Thank you for coming by...

There are a lot of Seconlife fashion blogs out there to chose from which is why I haven't decided to do another one... Well, not exactly anyway. I would really like to share the wonderful world of alternative fashion with you.. I highlight everything from Retro to Gothic, from Latex to Cyber. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of great haute couture out there in our virtual world but to me the fun lies in the cracks and crevasses that is alt fashion. I hope you will join me for lots of fun and some wonderful looks. your comments are always welcome as are any requests. Lets explore the edgier side of fashion together!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Trying something new...

Today I just wanted to see if I could add a light beam to a picture and I think it came out pretty good for a first try.  For those that might be interested the outfit is a mash up of Graves.  This was taken at the Insilico Sim.  It's a great place to do Science Fiction themed pictures.  Thank for stopping by and feel free to leave me a message if you like.


  1. Hey! That looks pretty darn good baby! Looks awesome for a first go! Great effect.

    To quote a young Skywalker "Teach me in the ways of the force Mistress (OK almost quoted) Yoda"

  2. thank you honey... Next time I will remember the shadows on the ground.
